
We are a non-profit organization dedicated to aiding those less fortunate. We have no paid staff so 100% of all donations go to Upper Room Ministries Orphanage Christ Home.  All donations are tax deductible.

There are three options to donate to our organization,          1) You can subscribe to GEM via PayPal. You do not need a PayPal account to do this just your debit/credit card. You can sign up for a monthly automatic withdrawl via Paypal Suscribe button below

2) You can a make one time donation online using your debit/credit card, via the secure PayPal site Donate button below


To Unsubscribe, come back to Donate Page and click the Unsubscribe button.

3) you can send us a check

Please make checks payable to Grace Evangelistic Missions.

1024 W. Olive St.
Corona, CA  92882

If you have any questions about donations GEMhelps and Upper Room Ministies feel free to call Jason (951) 377-6565.
Donation options